Jasper Maskelyne's Ghost
"Myth is invulnerable to mere facts" Barthes
This website will analyse the real wartime career of English stage magician, Jasper Maskelyne.

Extraordinary claims
This website will disentangle fact from fantasy and challenge the accuracy of previous accounts, namely, David Fisher's The War Magician (1983) and Jasper Maskelyne's ghostwritten memoirs, Magic - Top Secret (1949).
Jasper Maskelyne's Ghost
This alternative portait draws on new sources including interviews with Jasper Maskelyne's son, Alistair; declassified documents from the National Archives; overlooked, out-of-print books from the British Library; and rare biographical information on Maskelyne's invisible ghostwriter.
Desert Miracles?
It will examine significant material from Jasper Maskelyne's missing private scrapbook, Deceptive Camouflage Ideas 1941-1945, which, until now, has been withheld from the general public and the magic community.